Thursday, May 08, 2008

Volunteers Needed in Myanmar

I just received this message from the Disaster Response Director at the International Scientology Volunteer Ministers Center. I'm posting it here for anyone who can help.

----------- The Message ----------
On Sunday, Cyclone Nargis hit the nation of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma, a country between India and China) and killed in excess of 25,000 people so far. The original report from the military government of Myanmar was a death toll in the hundreds, but there was a belated admission that the cyclone had killed at least 30 times this figure - with 10,000 perished in just one city, and an estimated total of over 100,000 casualties. The devastation of the area has left several hundred thousand people without shelter and clean water.

The people of this area need our help urgently. A whole team of Volunteer Ministers need to go to Myanmar to start bringing order and delivering the miracles of Volunteer Minister technology.

We cannot just stand back and watch. The situation requires decisive action NOW. We need responsible Volunteer Ministers to bring hope to these people.


“A volunteer minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well.” — L. Ron Hubbard

At least 250 people are needed in Myanmar on an immediate basis. Please contact the Disaster Response Director at the International VM Office at 1-323-960-1949 or via e-mail. You can also contact Sei Broadhurst or Donovan Reed at the Continental VM Office in Australia at 011-612-9264-7955.

If you are not already trained as a Volunteer Minister, we will train you on the ground, or you can learn how to help on one of our on-line training courses, available for no charge on the Volunteer Ministers website.

If you cannot go but still want to help, you can make a donation to directly fund these disaster relief activities and contribute in that way in ensuring others can go.

Please send this to everyone you know!

Stephanie Rinder
Disaster Response Director
International Scientology Volunteer Ministers Center

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